
In both North Wales and Dorset in UK I immersed myself in particular places for many years, drawing them and working from the drawings in the studio on large canvases. I like working large enough for one’s movements while painting to be more akin to dancing than a sedentary thing. The paintings were about the earth, water, light and vegetation of those places. I am now attempting to paint the very different land in County Cork.


Bank in the wood 145x137


Barley Lake 152x168cm


Blue Rock 152x152cm


Borlin 160x165cm


Chestnut Wood 180x132cm


Rhythm and Blue-Greys (nfs)165x135cm


Rock Lit Up 127x102cm


Rock Painting 165x135cm


Stream 1 90x170cm


Stream 2 158x140cm


Stream and Earth 196x150cm


Triptich each165x81cm


Wet Red Rock 173x198cm